

Faculty Profiles

Shana M. Caro

Assistant Professor
Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

Science Building 325

General Information



DPhil, University of Oxford (2017)

BA, Harvard University (2007)

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

Stengl-Wyer Scholar, The University of Texas at Austin (2020-2022)

Simons Junior Fellow, Columbia University (2017-2020)

Postdoc, Wageningen University (NL, 2017)

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

I am an evolutionary biologist interested in social behavior – particularly in how signaling systems evolve when there are evolutionary conflicts of interest between signalers and receivers. Using parent-offspring signaling in birds (begging) as a framework, I investigate how ecology and life history traits affect communication both across and within species. I am also interested in the neural mechanisms governing social behavior, maternal investment in eggs, and maternal/paternal effects on offspring behavior.



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