

Faculty Profiles

Lyudmila A. Bryzzheva

Associate Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences

Harvey Hall 124

General Information



Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (bilingual education), the Pennsylvania State University (2002)

M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction, the Pennsylvania State University (1999)

B.S. and Teaching Certificate, EFL, Tula State Pedagogical University named after Leo Tolstoy (1997)

Licenses and Certifications

Licenses and Certifications

Teacher of EFL/German as a Foreign language, Russia

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

"I asked of everything if it had something more, something more than shape and form..." (Pablo Neruda "Fully Empowered" says it better than I would). I am never satisfied with appearances: they mislead, separate, create conflict. I question what I see and hear, and then I adapt or transform what I believe and do. As an immigrant, I have devoted my attention to exploring the elements of identity and their expression. Undoubtedly, the main focus of my life's work is exposing and fighting discrimination and defamation of individuals and groups based on their identity. As a Russian woman who was assigned a race on the USAmerican territory (the designation to which I find it hard to subscribe but also impossible to deny), I took on anti-racist work. I am both touched and disturbed by the difference in life experiences of different racial groups. I learn from people of color and from white allies. Some of my efforts are directed at ensuring that people of color have the same opportunity as white people to access power should they so desire. Equity and redress... The corollary of this work is on changing the way we think about each other, in other words, changing perception. My commitment to anti-racist work is most visible in my teaching and service. Currently, I am studying in order to be able to express this commitment on page. As I study, I also educate my students. I cannot stay still.

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