

Faculty Profiles

Lawrence Hobbie

Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

Science Building 217

General Information



Ph.D, MIT (1989)

B.A., Yale University (1983)

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral training in plant molecular genetics, Indiana University, laboratory of Dr. Mark Estelle, 1990-1995.

Sabbatical in plant molecular genetics, Fulbright Scholar and visiting scientist, with Dr. Catherine Perrot-Rechenmann, Insitut des Sciences du Végétal, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, Aug. 2002-July 2003

Sabbatical in science education research, with Dr. Stanley Lo, University of California San Diego, Jan.-June 2020.

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

I started at Adelphi in fall 1995, and love the teaching, scholarship, and service opportunities that I have. My main teaching interests currently are in introductory biology, genetics (for both biology majors and nursing students), capstone seminar (usually every other year), and an Honors College seminar in genetics and society (usually every other year). My current research is in biology education, where I and my research students study the effectiveness of various teaching approaches. For example, two current projects are looking at whether exam correction assignments improve student learning, and at how students' use of effective study strategies can be improved. Another project is looking at the place of genetics and genomics in undergraduate nursing education. Interested undergraduates should contact me (hobbie@adelphi.edu). My past laboratory research was on the genetic basis of response to the plant hormone auxin and, in collaboration with Dr. Alexander Heyl, the genetics of response to the plant hormone cytokinin. I have no active laboratory research at present and am not accepting high school students to work with me.

I served in the University's administration as associate provost from 2011 to 2016, and as interim associate dean in charge of General Education in Adelphi's College of Arts & Sciences from June through December, 2019. Apart from those two administrative stints, I have been a faculty member. Besides my current teaching assignments, in the past I have taught cell biology I and II, genetics project lab, graduate genetics and lab, and graduate developmental biology. 

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